Selasa, 27 November 2012


Untuk coretan kali ini, saya mau berbagi tentang TENSES.
TENSES dibedakan menjadi 16 bentuk Tenses, tapi untuk kali ini saya hanya akan membahas “PAST CONTINUOUS” saja J check it dot...

PAST CONTINUOUS (talking about something that happened in the past)
S + was/were + V1-ing + o/c
If the “subject” are You, We, They we use “to be” “WERE” and if the “subject” are I, She, He, and It we use “to be” “WAS”.

1.   Kami sedang berpesta ketika gempa bumi  itu terjadi.
ð  We were having party when the earthquake happened.
2.   Kami sedang bermain di halaman sekolah ketika mobil itu menabrak seorang anak.
ð  We were playing on school yard when the car ran over on a child.
3.   Kami sedang menonton film ketika Justin berteriak.
ð  We were watching movie when Justin screamed.
4.   Saya sedang membersihkan rumah ketika seseorang datang.
ð  I was cleaning home when someone came.
5.   Sementara bermain bola anak-anak bernyanyi.
ð  While playing football the children were singing.
6.   Sementara saya menonton film, Budi mendengarkan musik.
ð  While I was watching movie, Budi was listening to music.
7.   Sementara Budi membaca, Justin menelpon temannya.
ð  While Budi was reading , Justin was calling his friend.
That’s all from me today, hopefully it usefull for us, Thank You J

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